31. I like science fiction but not with alien type characters - more like recent shows for example The 4400 or Kyle XY. Michael Crichton's books are better as books than as movies.
32. I will not go to scary movies at night or otherwise. I cannot watch Jurassic Park anymore (it is too scary).
33. Every family has their problems and mine is not immune. I am close with my mother, father, older brother and younger sister; however, I do not speak with my younger brother. Life is still good in a bittersweet kind of way.
34. I have wanderlust in my bones. I keep trying to leave Atlanta but keep coming back. I will leave again until I find my true home.
35. I love Tarzan with Johnny Weissmuller and Ron Ely; Hercules with Gordon Scott; Perry Mason with Raymond Burr - all watched at lunchtime on Saturdays with my Dad.
36. I love the Land Before Time movie series for children.
37. My favorite movie line is: Tomorrow is another day. I can watch Gone with the Wind with or without the commercials.
38. Daniel Day Lewis and Madeline Stowe in Last of the Mohicans have one of the steamiest fully clothed love scenes.
39. My favorite Brad Pitt movie is Legends of the Fall and Anthony Hopkins should have won an Academy Award for his performance.
40. The play Wicked lived up to everything the reviews said it would be and more.
41. I like exploring everywhere I visit even if it means only seeing where the good shopping is.
42. I cannot use a hammer without hitting my fingers.
43. I get lost in office supply stores. I love gadgets and have taught my niece how to appreciate gadgets too - especially sharpees, dry erase markers and vis-a-vis [guess what those are :)]!
44. I have had night sweats since I was a teenager.
45. I purchased a king size bed so there would be room for my two cats, significant other and me. I still somehow ended up with ¼ of the bed and they got the rest. Now the cats are gone (lung cancer and stroke from diabetes) and so is the significant other (who turned out to not be so significant) and I still only sleep on a 1/4 of the bed. Go figure.
46. When McDonalds use to know how to make heart-warming commercials I would tear-up.
47. I only chew Trident sugarless bubble gum and do not like “sucky candy” like lifesavers or lollipops.
48. My mother can be a pain in my neck but I have accepted the way she shows her love for me.
49. I know enough about technology to be dangerous but get frustrated when I cannot intuitively fix the computer, blackberry or landline.
50. I tried to be an early adopter of VOIP. I put my friends and family through hell in the three months of the worst telephone service I have ever had before I finally got fed up and went back to Bell.
51. I have long legs but have a short stride and will never be a fast walker.
52. I had breast reduction surgery and wish I had done it sooner. I recommend it to anyone that complains about their breasts causing issues.
53. I do not have a gallbladder and sometimes this causes issues.
54. My favorite fresh made dessert is key lime pie; favorite freezer dessert is lemon meringue pie; favorite cake is rich chocolate devil’s food; favorite ice cream is vanilla; favorite sour candy – skittles; favorite chocolate candy – M & M’s
55. Favorite holiday – Thanksgiving; least favorite day – New Year’s Eve.
56. If I am not in the pool water then I am sitting under the umbrella. I do not care if I tan.
57. I like wearing stockings year round.
58. I am 5’10” and I wear heels. Heels are not made for walking distances so do not ask me to take a walk greater than two or three north-south New York City blocks.
59. I give hugs you can feel and I do not daintily shake hands.
60. My friends think I am addicted to blogs, reality and teenage shows.
60a. I cannot wear strappy sandals because my feet are too narrow and the shoe manufacturers rarely make sandals in a slim size.
60b. I cannot wear thong sandals or any sandal that separates your toes. It hurts and too bad if you think it's sexy. It hurts my sensitive feet!
Tags: Lists
31. My husband loves sci-fi. It's okay.
32. Hate scary movies.
33. No Sibs, sometimes I wish I did.
34. I love traveling! But Pittsburgh will always be home.
41. Word.
42. I'm the handy one in the marriage. Just call me Ms. Fix-It!
43. I drool over the Staple Catalogue!
56. I don't care if I tan either. But then again, I do have a perpetual tan, no matter what I do.
58. I'm barely 5'0. Wearing heels makes me feel like I'm playing at dressing up. Therefore, I don't wear heels unless absolutely necessary.
59. Word.
Love this list. I have given up on mine for the time being. but need to get back to it. i'm having a laaazy day!
RON ELY is the most underrated actor in the world. For me, he is the only actor who was successful in projecting the real hero and strong personality that Tarzan should be. He is in fact, an all time best. I really love Ron Ely and wonder how he is doing today.
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