About me - I feel like I am older (currently 48) than most people that have personal blogs out there (mid 20s-late 30s) that I read. But that's okay - I'm all for learning new skills. Born and raised in Atlanta and ever since I was 18 I have tried to escape to somewhere else. Not escape because of anything bad, I just have this adventure part of me that needs to be satisfied. I have escaped 3 times - once for college, once for a job transfer and once for the adventure. I've got the Scarlett O'hara in me - there's something in the land that keeps bringing me back. More like this last time - elder parents. I'm the caretaker child. I was the middle child for 8 years until the 4th came along. So I can claim middle child syndrome. Plus I needed to come back to see why I keep leaving. After 6 years of being back, I'm only here for my parents. Atlanta is a great place just not for me.
Now here's something you might not hear often (especially from a Southerner) - I loved living in the Northeast. Boston, Philly, NYC, DC, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire all accessible within a reasonable train or car ride. Culture (more than one major museum), food, music, ocean, mountains, history (something other than the Civil War), and real snow (for the most part, we only get ice storms here). However, I still wasn’t home. So when the time comes there is a huge possibility that I will leave again.
As you can see, I have 3 siblings – older brother, younger brother (who has cut off total communication with the family – that’s a discussion for another day) and younger sister. Yes, boy,girl,boy,girl. My parents couldn’t have planned that even if they tried. I’m single but not trying to figure out past bad relationships through a blog. They were bad, they are over, I’ve moved on. Pragmatic? Sensible? Reasonable? You pick. I am looking for that man who I can have a long-term relationship and who wants the same with me. We see beyond the physicality of each other to something much more enduring and satisfying. A good sense of humor, a sense of wanderlust and a nice bank account (just kidding – not really – no really) are nice things to have too!
Nature awes me. (Please don’t take that to mean I’m crunchy or that I actually like sleeping in a tent.) Volcanoes awe me. Architecture awes me. So I will probably post the pics I’ve taken over the years.
I’m not a computer techie (or cell phone – make that Blackberry techie either) but my friends all seem to think I can magically fix things. Sometimes I actually do but only if I have the computer (or BB) in front of me but please don’t ask me what I did – it works so be satisfied. So now I am off to figure out the code of this template so I can get this site to “feel” like me.
Tags: Atlanta, Observations, Personal Lessons, Technology
I happen to write y'all all the time. Seriously, it's better if I do that than the regional abbreviation of "yinz" or "younz." IT DRIVES ME BONKERS.
Seriously. Oh, and I've managed to eradicate all traces of any southern accent I may or may not have. Just saying.
What amazes most people when they find out I am from the South is my lack of a Southern drawl. I don't talk fast but I don't draw out my vowels either.
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